Kristin Berghoff, DNP, RN, CNL, CNE
Assistant Clinical Professor
Director, Nurse Educator Track
Kristin Berghoff, DNP, RN, CNL, CNE, is an Assistant Clinical Professor and Director, Nurse Educator track, at the UConn School of Nursing. Dr. Berghoff is certified as a Clinical Nurse Leader through the Commission on Nurse Certification and as a nurse educator through the National League for Nursing. She is a four-time Husky and is passionate about continuing to build the legacy of the UConn School of Nursing. As a leader in the practice environment, Dr. Berghoff integrated best-practices from learning science, adult learning, and change management theories in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a multitude of education and professional development programs. Dr. Berghoff aims to develop future nurse educators who have the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead an intentional practice towards shaping the next generation of healthcare professionals - the knowledge required to advocate for effective pedagogy to meet healthcare professionals where they are as adult learners, the skills to collaborate across practice settings to develop strategies to address current healthcare challenges, and an attitude of teaching being a deliberate practice requiring self-reflection, lifelong learning, and continuous quality improvement.
Email: kristin.berghoff@uconn.edu

Thomas J. Van Hoof, MD, EdD, FACMQ
Associate Professor
Dr. Tom Van Hoof is an Associate Professor in the University of Connecticut’s Schools of Nursing and Medicine, serving on faculty at UConn since 1996. He is also the Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of Nursing, Faculty Affiliate in UConn’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, and Director of UConn’s graduate certificate in Health Professions Education. Tom is certified in Medical Quality through the American Board of Medical Quality and a Fellow of the American College of Medical Quality. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the UConn School of Medicine, and he completed a fellowship in medical ethics at Harvard Medical School. Additionally, Tom earned a master's degree in education from UConn and a doctoral degree in educational administration from Teachers College Columbia University. His research and teaching efforts relate to the use of educational interventions to change clinician behavior and to improve patient outcomes. More recently, Tom has also become involved in the science of learning, incorporating its evidence into his scholarship, teaching, and leadership responsibilities.
Email: tom.vanhoof@uconn.edu

Denise Bourassa, DNP, RN, CNL, CNE
Assistant Clinical Professor
Denise Bourassa, DNP, RNC-ob, CNL, CNE is an Assistant Professor at the UConn School of Nursing. Dr. Bourassa is an experienced, nationally certified Clinical Nurse Leader and specializes in healthcare quality improvement, implementing and sustaining evidence-based practice at the bedside, and leading healthcare interdisciplinary teams during quality improvement projects. Dr. Bourassa is a certified nurse educator with ten years’ experience in nursing education at both the graduate and pre-licensure level.
Email: denise.bourassa@uconn.edu